Intense Pulsed Light in Peoria, IL

Multi-colored Light Technology

Dramatic Results

Many factors can take a negative toll on the skin, including the powerful UV rays of the sun, environmental pollution, and even the natural aging process.
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From brown spots to wrinkles

Intense pulsed light (IPL) technology delivers diffuse, multi-colored light utilizing a range of visible and invisible light energy filters. IPL treats broken blood vessels, pigmented spots, rosacea, photodamage (red & brown pigmentation/sun damage), and acne. IPL can be used anywhere on the body that you are seeking these results.

Treatment Highlights

What It Treats

Broken blood vessels
Pigmented spots
Sun damage
Uneven skin tone & texture

Treatment Time

20 to 60 minutes

Recovery Time

Minimal downtime

Results Appear

Within 5 days, results continue to improve for months

Results Last


Consultation Required?


Single Session


3 Sessions

The total price of your treatment depends on the amount of product used to treat your areas of concern. During your personalized consultation, the total price of your treatment will be determined and discussed with you before injection.